How long have you had your toothbrush? How do you know when it’s time to replace? Toothbrush care is more complex than you think!
Is the right time after a certain time period has gone by? Or when the toothbrush reaches a certain condition? What if it seems fine? Should it still be replaced after the recommended time frame?
The premier dentist in Albion, Albion Family Dental, shares valuable insights and important oral health information patients and families need to know when it comes time to replace your toothbrush.
How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?
According to the American Dental Association, it is recommended that you replace your toothbrush approximately every three to four months.[1] With regular brushing and flossing routines, which should be at least twice daily, the toothbrush bristle structure becomes frayed, and the brush itself becomes warped. The toothbrush’s effectiveness will decrease in roughly three to four months.
Replace Toothbrush? But Why?
Other than standard wear and tear, you should replace a toothbrush for several reasons:
Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
An ineffective toothbrush does not remove plaque and food particles, its primary role. Using an ineffective toothbrush will increase your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental ailments.
Bacteria and Risk of Infection
There are bacteria that live in our mouths that are helpful in the digestion of food. However, even helpful bacteria can damage teeth and gums if not brushed away properly.
Over time, these bacteria can remain on our toothbrushes and potentially increase in number. Proper rinsing or cleaning after each use can also reduce the chances of bacterial overgrowth or infection.
Replace Toothbrush If it is Worn Out To Prevent Gum and Enamel Damage
Toothbrushes are designed to protect our teeth from bacteria and plaque buildup. However, after months of use, the bristles become rough and no longer glide across the enamel as they should. Once the bristles become abrasive, they can damage our gums and cause enamel erosion.
If You Need to Try A New Bristle Style (Softer or Harder)
If a patient finds that regular normal brushing causes pain, frequent bleeding, or general discomfort, seek consultation with a dentist in Albion immediately. There could be more serious concerns at risk, such as gum disease.
However, it could also be that the toothbrush is too hard, and the patient should replace the toothbrush with a softer one. The reverse is also true. If a patient does not experience successful plaque removal, the toothbrush may be too soft for them, and a harder bristled toothbrush should be tested.
Your dentist at Albion Family Dental can assess what is the best toothbrush for you.
What Non-Oral Health Reasons Exist To Make The Case For Replacing My Toothbrush More Often?
Replace the Toothbrush If It’s Outgrown
Kids grow up quickly! As a child grows, their toothbrushes should grow with them. Here are the recommended stages of children’s toothbrush upgrades.[2]
- Toddlers
- Ages 5 to 8
- Ages 8 and up
There Was a Recent Cold in The Family
When anyone catches a cold, it comes with a new set of bacteria and viruses that cause illnesses such as COVID, flu, or strep throat. When this happens, that bacteria can remain on the toothbrush. Brushing with the same toothbrush increases the risk of illness coming back.
Contact The Top Dentist in Albion at Albion Family Dental Today!
Don’t put off the decision to replace a toothbrush. If you can’t remember when you started using it, it’s time to replace it!
Need advice about your oral health? That’s what the Albion Family Dental team is known for! Call us today to schedule a consultation. 585-589-9044