Have you noticed that your smile is starting to appear more gummy than before? You could be facing the early stages of gum swelling or a different condition called overgrown gums. It’s essential to seek treatment for either condition for several reasons. Fortunately, there are a range of ways you can treat gum swelling and gum overgrowth with the professionals at Albion Family Dental.
What Are Overgrown Gums?
What you might call overgrown gums refers to a condition called gingival hyperplasia. This is different from simply having a smile that is a bit too gummy, which is a common complaint people have about their smiles. Instead, this condition involves the gums starting to grow out of control, potentially covering up much of your teeth.
The presence of excessive gum tissue is often a clear indicator of gingival hyperplasia. The gum hyperplasia can also lead to inflamed or tender gums if an inflammation sets in.
What Causes Overgrown Gums?
Gum swelling can stem from a variety of different causes. Inflammation is the direct cause in a number of cases, but many factors can contribute to inflammation. For example, excessive plaque and tartar due to poor oral hygiene and missing routine dental visits are likely culprits.
Various health conditions can also contribute to gum swelling. Diabetes, HIV, anemia, and other conditions can trigger gum swelling. Hormonal imbalances are also a factor, particularly during pregnancy.
Excessive gum tissue or gingival hyperplasia is a different condition. It can be hereditary in the form of gingival fibromatosis, where the gums slowly overgrow over a person’s lifetime.
Certain medications can cause gum overgrowth as well. Long-term use of phenytoin and cyclosporine can lead to overgrown gums in as many as 50% of cases.1 Calcium channel blockers like nifedipine are another type of medication that can develop gum tissue overgrowth.
What Issues Can Overgrown Gums Cause?
The most direct impact that overgrown gums have is on the appearance of your smile. Growth can be irregular and develop significant coverage over individual teeth. It is a much more pronounced issue than simply having a gummy smile and can significantly affect your self-confidence and willingness to show your smile.
The overgrown gum tissue also makes maintaining oral hygiene difficult. Nooks and crannies in the gum tissue allow bacteria to grow without being reached by brushing or flossing. This can lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay over time. Your gums can start to become sore and painful, and bleeding is also common.
How Are Overgrown Gums Treated?
Identifying and addressing the root cause is vital in treating gum overgrowth. If inflammation is a factor, then dealing with the source of that inflammation can resolve excessive gum tissue. Addressing hormonal imbalances, changing certain medications, or improving oral hygiene are potential options your dentist could recommend.
Successfully dealing with the cause of gum overgrowth can help get your gums back to normal. However, if you are at a point where your gum overgrowth may not resolve itself naturally, you can opt for treatments such as gum recontouring to restore your smile.
Gum recontouring treatment involves removing gum excessive gum tissue, and it is used in cases of gum overgrowth or to adjust a gummy smile cosmetically. You may also need periodontal therapy to address potential gum disease.
Treatment for Gum Overgrowth in Albion
If you believe you may be seeing signs of overgrown gums, you must visit your dentist for an evaluation. Treating this condition can protect both your oral health as well as the look of your smile.
At Albion Family Dental, we provide effective treatment for gum swelling and gum overgrowth in Albion. Our skilled team can determine the causes behind your overgrown gums to develop an effective treatment plan to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.
Schedule an appointment today to learn more about your treatment options. 585-589-9044