Options for Tooth Whitening in Albion

Nov 15, 2022 | Blog Posts

Options for Tooth Whitening in Albion

If you’re looking for tooth whitening in Albion, you have plenty of options to choose from. Many people look to different types of over-the-counter and professional tooth whitening to drastically change their smile and improve self-esteem while smiling.

Learn more about the options for at-home and professional tooth whitening and the side effects to decide on the best option for you.

Where Does Tooth Staining Come From?

Tooth discoloration may be from extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors, or a combination of both.[1]

Extrinsic stains are the result of colored compounds that accumulate on the tooth enamel. This may be from tobacco use, consuming dark foods or drinks, and exposure to metal salts. These stains can vary in color and severity but may worsen with poor oral hygiene.

Some whitening products like toothpaste or mouthwash can remove some of the surface stains, but they don’t affect intrinsic stains or the tooth’s natural color.

Intrinsic stains are the stains that occur inside the tooth, within the enamel or dentin. They can be caused by genetic disorders, local environmental factors, or aging. As we age, the enamel becomes more thinner, which allows the yellow dentin to show through.

Reducing intrinsic stains requires a chemical reaction that changes the tooth’s color. Typically, this is achieved with hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, which cause oxidation that whitens the teeth. Some types of intrinsic stains get better results from bleaching than others.

Over-the-Counter Tooth Whitening

Over-the-counter whitening products use both carbamide and hydrogen peroxide at lower concentrations than professional tooth whitening. Many options are available, including toothpaste, gels, whitening strips, and mouthwash.

These products are generally safe for use, but their efficacy can vary.[1] Whitening toothpaste use abrasives to remove surface stains, which may not work on intrinsic stains. They may also cause side effects like oral irritation and sensitivity.

There are several DIY methods of tooth whitening, such as oil pulling with coconut oil, and using fruits like strawberries, or activated charcoal to whiten the teeth. The research surrounding DIY or natural tooth whitening methods is limited, but there are concerns about the efficacy or safety.

Professional Tooth Whitening

Dentists offer a variety of whitening procedures for both in-office and at-home use with supervision. For example, some dentists offer gels with custom trays for at-home use that are more effective than the generic gels and trays available over the counter.[1]

The professional teeth whitening options include:

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Also known as “bleaching,” in-office teeth whitening boasts exceptional results. This can be performed in the dental office quickly and comfortably, often in under an hour.

Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels

Teeth whitening trays and gels are sometimes available from a dentist’s office as a supervised at-home product. The custom-made, clear trays are worn with the gel for a few hours a day or overnight. The bleaching process takes a few days to a week to see results.

Professional teeth whitening trays and gels produce faster and more effective results with a stronger peroxide bleaching agent than over-the-counter versions. They’re also custom-made to fit your teeth, making them more comfortable and effective. Generic versions can leave space for the gel to leak out, irritating the gums.

Considerations for Tooth Whitening

Realistic expectations are an important part of tooth whitening. Restorative materials, such as crowns and composite fillings, do not change color with tooth whitening.[1] If this is a concern, it may be necessary to match the natural teeth to the restorations or replace them with a closer color.

Over-the-counter whitening products are less expensive and readily available, but they take longer for tooth whitening with less-effective results. They also won’t change the color of restorations, so there could be a stark contrast between the color of the natural teeth and the restorations without a dentist’s supervision.

Side Effects of Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is generally safe, especially with the supervision of a dentist. There may be side effects, however. [1]

Tooth Sensitivity

One of the most common side effects of both over-the-counter and professional tooth whitening is tooth sensitivity. The sensitivity is mild and short-lived for many people.

The severity of tooth sensitivity can vary according to the concentration of peroxide, contact time, intensity, and duration. Your dentist can help you manage sensitivity through the process.

Gum Irritation

Gum irritation may occur from contact with the peroxide-based gels or the gel used with trays in whitening strips. This is usually because of poor-fitting trays or improper application. Custom-fitted whitening trays are less likely to have gel leaking out to irritate the gums.

Professional Tooth Whitening in Albion

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. If you’re considering professional tooth whitening to improve the look of your natural teeth, Albion Family Dental offers a variety of tooth whitening options. Contact us today to schedule your appointment! 585-589-9044



[1] https://www.ada.org/resources/research/science-and-research-institute/oral-health-topics/whitening